This is the list of all contributions published on this web site, in chronological order.
There are 560 users online
dicembre 2023
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Tools - From 2010: Canon G11: 10 megapixel, 5x (6.1-30.5mm ; 1:2.8-4.5) - From 2007: Canon Powershot A95: 5.0 megapixels, 3x - From 2000: Pentax MZ50: 28-80mm(1: 3.5 - 5.6) & 100-300mm(1: 4.5-5.6) - 1997-2006: Minolta Riva: 28-70mm -1987- 2005: Zeiss Ikon: 45mm (1: 3.5) around 1956
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